Health and Poverty

Buying results? : contracting for health service delivery in developing countries

Loevinsohn, Benjamin and Harding, April | 2005
  • Author(s): Loevinsohn, Benjamin and Harding, April
  • Publisher:
  • Pages: 676--681
  • Keywords: primary health care, health care delivery, contracts, developing countries, poverty, cambodia, bangladesh, bolivia, guatemala, haiti, india, madagascar, senegal, pakistan
In this article the ten investigated examples indicate that contracting for the delivery of primary care can be very effective and that improvements can be rapid. Provision of a package of basic services by contractors costs between roughly US$3 and US$6 per head per year in low-income countries.

Civil society contributions to pro-poor, health equity policies : annotated bibliography on civil society and health

Loewenson, Rene | 2003
  • Author(s): Loewenson, Rene
  • Publisher: World health organization (WHO). Civil society initiative (CSI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health economics, health policy, poverty
This review explores whether civil society contributes to improved provision, coverage of and access to health services in low-income communities. Also examines whether civil society promotes improved responsiveness of health services, or enhances advocacy for pro poor and enhance health equity.

Civil society : state interactions in national health systems

Loewenson, Rene | 2003
  • Author(s): Loewenson, Rene
  • Publisher: Training and research support centre (TARSC) : with WHO
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health policy, health care delivery
This paper reviews studies of local and national forms of civil society-state interaction and collaboration in the different spheres of health governance and action (policy, health promotion, service provision, community outreach, resource mobilisation and monitoring health systems).

People's willingness to pay for health insurance in rural Vietnam

Lofgren, Curt | 2008
  • Author(s): Lofgren, Curt
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health care delivery, health economics, health insurance, vietnam
This paper reports on a study of the willingness to pay for health insurance among a rural population in northern Vietnam, exploring whether the Vietnamese are willing to pay enough to sufficiently finance a health insurance system.

Giving birth at a health-care facility in rural China : is it affordable for the poor?

Long, Qian | 2011
  • Author(s): Long, Qian
  • Publisher: World health organization (WHO)
  • Pages: 144--152
  • Keywords: health care delivery, maternal health services, rural areas, poverty, china
The objectives of this study were to investigate changes in the expenditure of giving birth in health-care facilities in rural China during 1998-2007, to examine the financial burden on households, particularly poor ones, and to identify factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure.

About this portal

This portal contains information on health (system) policies and practices to improve equity in the health sector and contribute to poverty reduction in low- and middle-income countries. The portal is part of a wider programme, Information for Health Action (I4HA).