Laboratory Quality Strengthening

Mexican experience on laboratory accreditation according to ISO 15189:2003 : case report

Sierra-Amor, Rosa Isabel | 2009
  • Author(s): Sierra-Amor, Rosa Isabel
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Pages: 318--
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, standards, mexico
This is a short case report on implementation of the ISO 15189 standard in clinical laboratories in Mexico.

Akreditacija medicinskog laboratorija prema ISO 15189:2003 : Meksicko iskustvo = Medical laboratory accreditation according to ISO 15189:2003 : the Mexican experience

Sierra-Amor, Rosa Isabel and Lَpez-Martيnez, Maribel | 2007
  • Author(s): Sierra-Amor, Rosa Isabel and Lَpez-Martيnez, Maribel
  • Publisher: Medicinska naklada]
  • Pages: 188--192
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, rules and regulations, quality control, standards, mexico
In Mexico, the government has appointed the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA), to accredit medical laboratories in accordance to ISO 15189:2003; this organization works in close cooperation with the Mexican Association of Clinical Biochemistry (AMBC).

Guidelines on establishment of accreditation of health laboratories

Silva, Panadda | 2007
  • Author(s): Silva, Panadda
  • Publisher: World health organization (WHO). Regional office for South-East Asia
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, quality control, standards, guidelines, south east asia
This document is intended to provide guidelines on the facilities and personnel needed, as well as examples of how to initiate establishment of an accreditation process in a health-care system.

Total quality management, laboratory accreditation and external quality assessment schemes

Singh Thakur, Vijay | 2004
  • Author(s): Singh Thakur, Vijay
  • Publisher: Drustva medicinskih biohemicara Srbije]
  • Pages: 311--315
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, quality control, management, india
Total Quality Management (TQM) is not merely a management process for quality improvement in all spheres of industrial functioning but also a management philosophy for overall organization development. This article discusses TQM in laboratories in India.

Critical value of the clinical laboratory test in Thailand

Sirisali, Kulnaree | 2010
  • Author(s): Sirisali, Kulnaree
  • Publisher: Medical association of Thailand
  • Pages: 22--27
  • Keywords: health services research, scientific facilities, health services, thailand
The critical values are the values of laboratory testing results which required attention or action by the physicians. This study examined the current situation on implementing of critical value list of Thai clinical laboratories and what factors were involved in their consideration.

About this portal

This portal provides background information for KIT's training programme on laboratory quality management, which enables laboratories in resource-constrained countries to improve the quality of their services. Use the searchbox to find resources in the database.