Laboratory Quality Strengthening

A quality management systems approach for CD4 testing in resource-poor settings

Westerman, Larry E. | 2010
  • Author(s): Westerman, Larry E.
  • Publisher: American society for clinical pathology (ASCP)
  • Pages: 556--567
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, disease control, aids, quality control
This article provides information on a quality assurance program for CD4 testing that will provide guidelines not only for clinical laboratory staff but also for managers of programs responsible for supporting CD4 testing in resource-poor settings.

The role of standards and training in preparing for accreditation

Woodcock, Sheila | 2010
  • Author(s): Woodcock, Sheila
  • Publisher: American society for clinical pathology (ASCP)
  • Pages: 388--392
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, standards, training programmes, capacity building
This article discusses the role of education and training in the preparation for accreditation in resource-limited countries.

Quality assurance in the HIV/AIDS laboratory network of China

Yan, Jiang | 2010
  • Author(s): Yan, Jiang
  • Publisher: Oxford university press
  • Pages: 72--78
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, disease control, aids
According to this article, a well-co-ordinated comprehensive HIV laboratory network and QA systems have been established in China. However, coverage and intensity of HIV testing and quality assurance programmes remain to be strengthened.

The laboratory accreditation and regulations of clinical laboratory in China : case report

Yang, Zh | 2009
  • Author(s): Yang, Zh
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Pages: 310--
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, standards, china
This is a short case report on accreditation of clinical laboratories in China.

ISO 15189 accreditation : requirements for quality and competence of medical laboratories, experience of a laboratory II

Yanikkaya-Demirel, Gulderen | 2009
  • Author(s): Yanikkaya-Demirel, Gulderen
  • Publisher: Elsevier science
  • Pages: 279--283
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, standardization, turkey
This article describes the experiences of a Turkish clinical laboratory with the ISO 15189 accreditation process.

About this portal

This portal provides background information for KIT's training programme on laboratory quality management, which enables laboratories in resource-constrained countries to improve the quality of their services. Use the searchbox to find resources in the database.