Librarianship in the South

Perceptions of LIS professionals about digital libraries in Pakistan : the Pakistani perspective

Hussain, Ashfaq and Mahmood, Khalid and Shafique, Farzana | 2008
  • Author(s): Hussain, Ashfaq and Mahmood, Khalid and Shafique, Farzana
  • Publisher: International consortium for the advancement of academic publication (ICAAP)]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: libraries, librarians, electronic publishing, pakistan
The concept of the digital library is new in Pakistan. Although LIS professionals in Pakistan are users of digital libraries, setting up local digital libraries is very rare here. This study analyzed the perceptions of LIS professionals in Pakistan concerning digital libraries.

Major agricultural information initiatives : with emphasis on developing country services

Hutchinson, Barbara | 2007
  • Author(s): Hutchinson, Barbara
  • Publisher: Cornell university. WorldAgInfo]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: information policy, agriculture, data bases
This overview of online agricultural information systems shows how technical innovations may contribute to convergence and better serve smallholder needs in the future.

Information literacy competency of library and information science students at the Faculty of humanities University of Indonesia

Irawati, Indira | 2009
  • Author(s): Irawati, Indira
  • Publisher: [Author]
  • Pages: 483--493
  • Keywords: information needs, library education, evaluation, indonesia
The study is conducted to identify the information literacy of the information science students at Department of Information and Library Science, University of Indonesia, and to identify the difficulties experienced by them when implicating information literacy in their academic activities.

Community information services through public libraries in Bangladesh : problems and proposals

Islam, Md. Anwarul and Mezbah-ul-Islam, Muhammad | 2010
  • Author(s): Islam, Md. Anwarul and Mezbah-ul-Islam, Muhammad
  • Publisher: University of Nebraska. Lincoln libraries]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: libraries, bangladesh
To improve the living standards of the rural people, the government of Bangladesh has as its goals to increase information service facilities and the eradication of illiteracy. Public library based community services are a means to solve these problems.

LIS education in e-learning environment : problems and proposal for Bangladesh

Islam, Shiful and Chowdhury, Salma and Islam, Anwarul | 2009
  • Author(s): Islam, Shiful and Chowdhury, Salma and Islam, Anwarul
  • Publisher: [Authors]
  • Pages: 519--529
  • Keywords: library education, distance education, information technology, bangladesh
This study examines the LIS education in e-learning environment and its implications in other areas. This study also gives an overview of e-learning education systems in Bangladesh and finds out problems of e-learning in LIS educations in Bangladesh.

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The Librarianship in the South portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic resources on information literacy, ICT issues, institutional repositories, and preservation of documentary heritage. Find your resources in the database.