Librarianship in the South

Technology-enhanced library services and the librarian’s identity crisis in academic and research libraries of India

Jeevan, V.K.J. | 2007
  • Author(s): Jeevan, V.K.J.
  • Publisher: Munksgaard]
  • Pages: 100--109
  • Keywords: university and college libraries, research libraries, india
This paper examines the issues, cultures and conflicts faced by users, libraries and librarians in academic and research libraries in India. It identifies the library as a service and access centre, managing and enhancing information in a technology-enhanced environment rather than mere repository.

Examining the core values of libraries using the new economic model of open access

Jiang, Shuyong and Brown, Nick | 2007
  • Author(s): Jiang, Shuyong and Brown, Nick
  • Publisher: Internet Chinese librarians club (ICLC)]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: scholarly publishing, library policy
Based on Francis Heylighen's theory of new economic model of open access, this paper discusses the significance of open access to the core values of library in providing \"universal and equitable access to information, ideas and works of imagination.\"

International collaboration between schools of librarianship and information studies : current issues

Johnson, Ian M. | 2009
  • Author(s): Johnson, Ian M.
  • Publisher: [Author]
  • Pages: 258--267
  • Keywords: international librarianship, library education
This paper examines the changing context within which international collaboration between Schools of LIS takes place. It is argued that collaborative activities now need to be focused on issues that are perceived to be important beyond the boundaries of LIS.

Electronic publishing in librarianship and information science in Latin America : a step towards development?

Johnson, Ian M. and Cano, Virginia | 2008
  • Author(s): Johnson, Ian M. and Cano, Virginia
  • Publisher: Wilson]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: electronic publishing, evaluation, archives, latin america
If scholarly publication in LIS within Latin America is to achieve its potential, the opportunities presented by electronic publication and archiving must be grasped, but the full benefits cannot be achieved without attention to quality control methods.

Key issues for e-resource collection development : a guide for libraries

Johnson, Sharon and Evensen, Ole Gunnar and Fronty, Jérôme | 2012
  • Author(s): Johnson, Sharon and Evensen, Ole Gunnar and Fronty, Jérôme
  • Publisher: International federation of library associations and institutions (IFLA). Acquisition and collection development section
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: technical services (libraries), information management, library resources
The purpose of this Guide is to help develop an awareness of the key issues that every library will need to consider and address in developing an e-portfolio. It focuses on electronic resources whether acquired via purchase or license, free from the web, born digital or multiple format materials.

About this portal

The Librarianship in the South portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic resources on information literacy, ICT issues, institutional repositories, and preservation of documentary heritage. Find your resources in the database.