Maternal Health – Lessons Learned

Promoting hormonal implants within a range of long-acting and permanent methods : the Tanzania experience

Cisek, Cindy and Mwanga, Freddy and Kanama, Joseph and Klitsch, Michael | cop. 2010
  • Author(s): Cisek, Cindy and Mwanga, Freddy and Kanama, Joseph and Klitsch, Michael
  • Publisher: EngenderHealth. The Respond project
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: family planning, tanzania
This brief describes EngenderHealth’s approach for supporting the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in introducing and expanding access to long-acting and permanent methods of contraception (LA/PMs), focusing specifically on challenges and lessons learned related to hormonal implants.

Information, education and communication : lessons from the past; perspectives for the future

Clift, Elayne and Ali, Nancy | cop. 2001
  • Author(s): Clift, Elayne and Ali, Nancy
  • Publisher: World health organization (WHO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: reproductive health
This occasional paper presents a synthesis of experiences in information, education and communication (IEC) for public health with a view to improving the integration of IEC into sexual and reproductive health programmes.

What are the effects of different models of delivery for improving maternal and infant health outcomes for poor people in urban areas in low income countries?

Coast, Ernestina | [2010]
  • Author(s): Coast, Ernestina
  • Publisher: London school of economics (LSE)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: maternal health services, maternal and child health, poverty, urban areas
The review focuses on identifying effective ways of facilitating improving access and uptake of maternal and infant child services of proven effectiveness, delivered within the health sector, public or private.

What are the effects of different models of delivery for improving maternal and infant health outcomes for poor people in urban areas in low income and lower middle income countries?

Coast, Ernestina | 2012
  • Author(s): Coast, Ernestina
  • Publisher: University of London. Evidence for policy and practice information and co-ordinating centre (EPPI-centre)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: poverty, maternal and child health, maternal health services
This systematic review addresses the question: ‘What are the effects of different models of delivery for improving maternal and infant health outcomes for poor people in urban areas in low income and lower middle income countries?

It takes 2 : partnering with men in reproductive & sexual health

Cohen, Sylvie I. and Burger, Michèle and Dairo, Akinyele E. and Mbugua, Waraira and Jensen, Janet | [ca. 2003]
  • Author(s): Cohen, Sylvie I. and Burger, Michèle and Dairo, Akinyele E. and Mbugua, Waraira and Jensen, Janet
  • Publisher: United nations population fund (UNFPA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: reproductive health
This document is intended to help country staff plan national programmes, develop strategies and projects, review progress made, and assess the soundness of their strategies. Examples are provided of ways in which UNFPA has supported a partnering approach, followed by a summary of lessons learned.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents. It shares examples of practical projects and initiatives that have been undertaken to contribute to Millennium Development Goal 5: Improving maternal health, particularly in developing countries. Find your resources in the database.