Rural Innovation Systems

Linking agricultural innovations to knowledge sharing in Africa

Nwokeabia, Hilary | 2006
  • Author(s): Nwokeabia, Hilary
  • Publisher: World bank. Africa region's knowledge and learning center
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, information exchange, technology transfer, economic development, africa
This note explains the link between asymmetric information, the indifference-trap, loss of efficiency gains and limited scaling-up of indigenous innovations and proposes a pragmatic solution.

Producer funding of agricultural research : the case of Kenya's tea industry : background paper

Nzuma, Jonathan Makau | 2011
  • Author(s): Nzuma, Jonathan Makau
  • Publisher: IFPRI [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, farmers associations, finance, africa
This study assessed the performance of producer financing in Kenya’s tea industry. Data were derived from the Tea Board of Kenya (TBK) and the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. TBK is charged with facilitating research into all aspects of tea growing, manufacturing, and pest and disease control.

How can formal comparative qualitative analysis assist in understanding and explaining differential impacts of pro-poor innovation in the renewable natural resources sector?

O'Reilly, Sheelagh | 2008
  • Author(s): O'Reilly, Sheelagh
  • Publisher: Authors
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: rural areas, natural resources, innovations, evaluation, evaluation research, development projects, poverty alleviation
The Formal Comparative Analysis Protocol for comparing the innovation system and pro-poor impact is outlined. It was adopted to evaluate Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy activities of the RIU programme.

Agricultural innovations capacity of graduates

Ochola, Washington | 2010-
  • Author(s): Ochola, Washington
  • Publisher: Regional universities forum for capacity building in agriculture (RUFORUM) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: innovations, development strategies, education, capacity building, science and technology capability, africa
The project \"Building the Capacity of African University Graduates to foster change through Agricultural Innovations\" (also called Graduate Opportunities for Innovation and Transformation, GO4IT) aims at facilitating and contributing to agricultural and rural innovation processes in Africa.

Assessing, prioritizing, monitoring, and evaluating agricultural innovation systems

Odame, Helen Hambly and Hall, Andy and Dorai, Kumuda | 2012
  • Author(s): Odame, Helen Hambly and Hall, Andy and Dorai, Kumuda
  • Publisher: World bank
  • Pages: 539--595
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, decision-making, project formulation, evaluation
This is an overview of Module 7 in \"Agricultural Innovation Systems: An Investment Sourcebook\" published by the World Bank. It examines processes to inform decision making and manage innovation at 4 generally defined levels of the innovation system: policy, investment, organization and intervention.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).