Rural Innovation Systems

The relevance of the national systems of innovation approach to mainstreaming science and technology for development in NEPAD and the AU

Paterson, Adi and Adam, Rob and Mullin, Jim | 2003
  • Author(s): Paterson, Adi and Adam, Rob and Mullin, Jim
  • Publisher: Authors
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development planning, development strategies, innovations, science and technology policy, africa south of sahara, south africa
The concepts underpinning a national system of innovation and the advantages over the older “R&D system” and “science and technology system” approaches are outlined, using the case of South Africa.

Utilization-focused evaluation for agricultural innovation

Patton, Michael Quinn and Horton, Douglas | 2009
  • Author(s): Patton, Michael Quinn and Horton, Douglas
  • Publisher: Institutional learning and change initiative (ILAC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, development strategies, project evaluation
To identify stakeholders in utilization-focused evaluation for agricultural innovation, it's useful to ask who can use the evaluation to change the programme?

ICT to enhance farm extension services in Africa

Payne, Judy and Woodard, Josh | 2010
  • Author(s): Payne, Judy and Woodard, Josh
  • Publisher: U.S. Agency for international development (USAID)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural extension, information technology, rural development, africa
The Fostering Agriculture Competitiveness Employing Information Communication Technologies (FACET) project aims to enhance the use of information & communication technology (ICT) in USAID's agricultural development projects. This paper focuses on ICT applications in agricultural extension services.

Effects of trade liberalisation on innovative activities : an analysis of the Uruguayan food industries

Peluffo, Adriana | 2001
  • Author(s): Peluffo, Adriana
  • Publisher: Universidad de la Republica Uruguay
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agroindustry, innovations, investments, trade liberalization, international competition, uruguay, south america
A study of the impact of trade liberalization and multinational companies on innovation in the Uruguayan food sector suggests that increased import competition reduces the investment in innovation.

Methods for planning effective linkages

Peterson, Warren | 2001
  • Author(s): Peterson, Warren
  • Publisher: International service for national agricultural research (ISNAR)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, information systems, technology transfer, co-operation between organizations
A four-step approach to improving linkages between major institutional actors in agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS), outlining the principal lessons of linkage planning.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).