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A list of open access initiatives from the Access 2 Knowledge (A2K) website.
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Academic Journals is a broad-based publisher of peer-reviewed open access journals. Academic Journals currently publishes 111 open access journals covering art and humanities, engineering, medical science, social sciences, biological sciences, physical sciences and agricultural sciences.
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Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multidisciplinary full-text database
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Scientific knowledge from Africa, on Africa, to Africa and the World. The Access to Scientific and Socio-economic Information in Africa (ASKIA) Initiative is under the Public Information & Knowledge Managment Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. It defines a framework for bringing together scientific and socio-economic information for the African community, including scientists, researchers, academics, students, economists and, policy-makers, over an interactive online portal acting as a one-stop shop to such knowledge and associated information.
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AMHA – Acta medico-historica Adriatica is a journal that deals with a wide range of medicohistorical topics. The aim of the Editoral Board is to publish articles related to the history of medicine and other related scientific disciplines, as well as of the cultural heritage of the Adriatic and Central Europe in its broadest sense. AMHA is published twice a year.
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The AERD includes peer-reviewed articles, chapters, PhD theses and working papers identified through structured searches of academic and grey literature databases, expert consultation, and pearl-growing techniques.