Circulation / Borrowing
Only annual members of the Young People's (YP) Library can borrow books from the YP Library. Readers must check out materials in their own name. All books are available for circulation, except:
- Reference materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases)
- Periodicals (journals, newspapers)
- Audio visual material
- Books marked non-circulated (NC)
The BA may restrict circulation or recall any material on loan at any time.
You may borrow one book at a time for the standard loan period of two weeks for all circulated books.
Borrowed items may be renewed for a second loan period, if they have not been requested by another patron. Renewals are available online, in person, or via phone (+203 483 9999) or email to the YP Reference Desk.
Do you need a book that's not available at the moment? You can make a book request to reserve a book that is currently checked-out. When the book is returned, we will hold it for you and notify you by e-mail or phone that the book is ready for pick-up. You may also check your request status online to see if it is available. To submit a hold request for a book, you may contact us in person, by phone (+203 483 9999), or by email.
All borrowed items must be returned to the YP Reference Desk. Overdue fine charges are EGP 5 per item/per day for the Main Library item and 1 EGP per item/per day for the CH and YP libraries items. All fines must be paid before you may borrow any additional books.
The first overdue notice is issued three days after the due date, the second notice is issued five days following the first one. The library is not responsible for undelivered notices due to wrong or changed addresses.
If a book is overdue and it has not been returned although a request has been sent out, the reader's right to use the library will be revoked. Membership may be reinstated if and only if the requested book has been returned or replaced and the overdue fine is paid in full. If a reader does not return an overdue book that has been requested several times it will be considered as lost, and should be paid for in full. The library reserves the right to take up legal actions.
Lost and Damaged Materials
If an item is deemed lost or damaged, the cardholder will be charged the price of the item plus a fine of 30% of the item value.
If there is accidental damage of any item, please report it immediately to the library. Do not attempt any repairs yourself, they may cause more damage. Repairable damages are taken care of by BA specialists.
Overdue fines ( Main Library )
Overdue fines ( CH & YP )
Books lost or damaged in circulation
Price of the book + a fine of 30% of the item value