In conclusion,
findings from this study support the importance of a comprehensive service
model in helping at-risk youth stay in care. Ancillary services are
currently inadequately reimbursed by insurers or are only covered for HIV+
youth, and they need to be more consistently funded for all at-risk youth.
More studies are needed to empirically demonstrate the impact of these
services on the health care utilization of vulnerable populations.
For more detailed information on this study,
please see the following paper:
Harris SK, Samples CL, Keenan PM, Fox DJ, Melchiono MW, Woods ER. Outreach,
mental health, and case management services:
can they help to retain HIV-positive and at-risk youth and young adults in
care? Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2003;7(4):205-218.
More information on this study (PDF file)
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