This chart
compares patients receiving care in primary care-oriented health centers (CHCs)
(on the left side of the chart) with people in the general population (on
the right side of the chart – data from the National Health Interview Survey
(NHIS)). As expected, people in the general population are healthier, as
shown by their greater fraction of healthy life. However, in health centers
that are required to provide high quality primary care, there are no
differences between the majority white population and minority
African-American and Latino populations. In the general population, in
contrast, both of these vulnerable populations have significantly poorer
health than the majority white population.
Source: Shi L, Regan J, Politzer RM, Luo J. Community
Health Centers and racial/ethnic disparities in healthy life. Int J Health
Serv 2001; 31(3):567-582.