Historians have generally agreed that a
revolutionary movement was born during the reign of Alexander I. Young
officers who had pursued Napoleon into Western Europe came back to Russia
with revolutionary ideas, including human rights, representative government,
and mass democracy. The intellectual Westernization that had been fostered
in the eighteenth century by a paternalistic, autocratic Russian state now
included opposition to autocracy, demands for representative government,
calls for the abolition of serfdom, and, in some instances, advocacy of a
revolutionary overthrow of the government. Officers were particularly
incensed that Alexander had granted Poland a constitution while Russia
remained without one. Several clandestine organizations were preparing for
an uprising when Alexander died unexpectedly in 1825. Following his death,
there was confusion about who would succeed him because the next in line,
his brother Constantine, had relinquished his right to the throne. A group
of officers commanding about 3,000 men refused to swear allegiance to the
new tsar, Alexander's brother Nicholas, proclaiming instead their loyalty to
the idea of a Russian constitution. Because these events occurred in
December 1825, the rebels were called Decembrists. Nicholas easily overcame
the revolt, and the Decembrists who remained alive were arrested. Many were
exiled to Siberia. |