Speaker Details

Dr Charlotte   Roueché
King's College – London

Presentation Abstract:

Publishing the inscriptions of Libya: A 21st Century Project 

 In 1948 my former tutor, Dr Joyce Reynolds, first visited Libya to record the Greek and Latin inscriptions which provide essential documentation for the Roman period (96 BCE - 666 CE); she visited the area, recording and publishing material, for the following 60 years. Recently I and a team at King's College London, have been working with Dr Reynolds to produce online publications of all these texts. The first volume, the Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, appeared in 2009; the next (Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica, Part I) is to be published in August 2012. The international schema which we are using (http://epidoc.sourceforge.net/) is also being employed to publish collections of papyri (see papyri.info). In my paper I aim to present our way of working, discuss the benefits - and the problems - and invite further collaboration.