Dalsey, Hilblom & Lynn (DHL)

Founded in 1969 by 3 entrepreneurs; Dalsey, Hilblom & Lynn, DHL has become a distinguished brand worldwide. In 2002, DHL became part of Deutsche Post World Net – DPWN. Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of Management, said that they have become the global leader in the industry. This leadership entailed great responsibilities towards society, the environment and the employees.

Bernard Pascal, DHL Egypt’s Country General Manager, adds that DHL takes particular pride in its dominant position; profit-wise and service-wise, since it is perceived as providing superior quality service. Geographically, DHL operates in over 220 countries. In Egypt, customers trust DHL as the preferred global express and logistics partner, leading the industry in terms of quality, profitability and market share. 

"Make our Customers Successful" is one of the 7 Values, which are adopted by each staff member, and ethically, they strongly support the company’s 7th Value which states that “We accept social responsibilities”, since DHL is committed to goals that benefit the communities where the Company operates. 

HSBC - The world's local bank

HSBC Bank Egypt has been undergoing substantial development and growth over the past few years, whether in terms of scope and magnitude of all business lines, development of product ranges, expansion of distribution networks as well as substantial growth in both customer bases and staff members.

Capitalizing on the boom of the Egyptian economy, and despite a very aggressive competitive banking environment, HSBC Bank Egypt managed to organically grow its business to achieve a four-fold growth in its asset size over the past five years, while maintaining a very solid asset quality and financial standing. Net profitability achieved over same period recorded a 10-fold growth, reaching upwards of USD 100mn by 2006, representing a return on equity of above 60%. Said impressive performance not only placed the bank as the most profitable bank in Egypt but also as the most respected and most sought out by all stakeholders, including customers, staff, competitors, regulators and shareholders. Most importantly, said growth has also positioned HSBC Bank Egypt as a very active and promising member on the the Middle East region’s, and possibly on HSBC Group’s, business maps, with substantial recognition and profitable growth potential.

Long before the phrase entered our common vocabulary and, understandably, became a topic of wide spread public debate, HSBC was operating with a strong sense of corporate social responsibility (CSR). For HSBC Corporate Social Responsibility means addressing the expectations of our customers, shareholders, employees and the community at large in managing our business responsibly and sensitively for long term success.   

In line with this belief, HSBC Bank Egypt had an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate commitment to the Egyptian community in a very particular way through supporting a remarkable number of community projects, including Educational, Cultural, Health Care and Social projects.

SUMED,,, Turning Egypt into An International Oil & Products Trading Center

The Arab Petroleum Pipelines Co.-SUMED has managed to be a successful mark of Ban Arab co-operation. Since 1974, Sumed started with a US$ 400 mn. Capital and proved to be the vital link between Arab Gulf oil producers and the consuming western market.  Sumed is operating successfully through an integral economic system benefiting both Arab countries and International markets. Egypt holds 50% share while S.Arabia represents 15%, Kuwait 15% , UAE 15% and Qatar 5% whereby Egyptian oil sector benefits from new Arab investments.

Sumed’ main target has always been to get full benefit from the strategic location of Egypt being the link between East and West. Through its unique services, Sumed’s added value to transporting A.Gulf crudes to both European and US markets while at the same time transferring Sidi kerir into an international oil trading center to fulfill the main policy of the Egyptian Oil sector to turn Egypt into an international oil trading center. Such target is achieved by making available more than 18 types of crude oil per year in addition to adding new storage capacity at both Sidi Kerir and Ain Sukhna. Since its start-up in 1977, Sumed successfully handled more than 40 types of crude oil.

Mediterranean, Russian, Caspian and N.African crudes can also be received at Sumed’s Sidi Kerir terminal whether for storage and reload or for supplying Egyptian refineries with feedstock. Sumed is currently studying the feasibility of several projects in oil-related activities to benefit from its strategic location such as the project of turning Ain Sukhna into an international hydrocarbon hub for crude oil, oil products as well as tanker bunkering in addition to a similar project at Sidi Kerir.

Sumed contributes to developing social aspects through donations to public authorities and civil associations as well as Universities. This is in addition to participating and co-operating in scientific conferences and courses in petroleum and energy sectors locally and internationally to enhance Egypt’s role and fulfill the main strategic targets for Egyptian petroleum sector as a major player in the Egyptian economy.


سوميد.. وتدعيم دور مصر الإستراتيجى كمركز لتجارة البترول العالمية وتــداول المنتجــــات البتروليـــــة

سوميد نموذج ناجح للتعاون العربى المشترك بدأت برأسمال مدفوع بلغ 400 مليون دولار عام 1974 وهى حلقة وصل بين دول الخليج العربى المنتجة للبترول ودول الغرب المستهلكة له وتدار بنجاح من خلال منظومة إقتصادية قوية تؤثر فى الساحة العربية والدولية تساهم فيها مصر بنسبة 50% والسعودية 15% والكويت 15% والإمارات 15% وقطـر 5% ، وهو ما يشجع تدفق إستثمارات عربية جديدة على قطاع البترول المصرى

كان هدف سوميد دائماً هو الإستغلال الأمثل لموقع مصر الإستراتيجى بين الشرق والغرب وقد نجحت سوميد فى توفير المناخ والتسهيلات المناسبة ليس فقط لنقل خامات بترول الخليج إلى السوق الأوروبى والأمريكى بل لقد أصبح ميناء سيدى كرير اليوم من أهم مناطق تجارة وتداول البترول العالمية وبما يحقق سياسة قطاع البترول الرامية إلى جعل مصر مركزاً عالمياً لتداول الخامات وذلك بتوافر عدد كبير من الخامات يزيد على 18 نوع سنوياً علاوة على زيادة الطاقة الإستيعابية لمستودعات التخزين فى كل من مينائى العين السخنة وسيدى كرير مما كان له عظيم الأثر فى تدعيم دور سوميد فى تداول وتجارة البترول العالمية ، وقد إستطاعت سوميد على مدار فترة التشغيل بها إستقبال أكثر من 40 نوعاً من الخام
كما تقوم سوميد أيضاً بإستقبال خامات البحر المتوسط وبحر قزوين والخام الروسى من سيدى كرير سواء للتخزين وإعادة الشحن أو لإمداد معامل التكرير المصرية بالخام وتدرس سوميد حالياً إنشاء مشروعات مكملة للنشاط والإستفادة من موقعها الإستراتيجى ومن هذه المشروعات تحويل ميناء العين السخنة إلى مركز لتخزين وتداول المنتجات البترولية وكذلك تقديم خدمة تموين السفن ، علاوة على مشروع لتخزين المنتجات البترولية فى سيدى كرير

ولا يمكن إغفال دور سوميد فى مجال تنمية المجتمع وخدمة البيئة المحيطة بما تقدمه من مساهمات للهيئات ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنى ودور العلم علاوة على مشاركتها بدور فعال فى المؤتمرات العلمية خاصة فى مجال البترول والطاقة سواء على المستوى المحلى أو العربى أو الدولى وبما يدعم مكانة مصر على الخريطة الدولية من أجل مواصلة مسيرة قطاع البترول لتحقيق أهدافه الإستراتيجية وتفعيل دوره كركيزة أساسية فى خدمة الإقتصاد القومـى أنشئت سوميد عام 1974 لتربط ميناء العين السخنة على خليج السويس بميناء سيدى كرير على البحر المتوسط بخط أنابيب مزدوج بطول 320 كم وبقطر 42 بوصة بهدف خلق طريق إقتصادى لنقل خامات البترول من الخليج إلى الغرب كبديل لطريق رأس الرجاء الصالح

Unilever Mashreq

Unilever is a multinational organization with consumers , employees , business partners and shareholders on every continent. The Unilever group was created in 1930 when the British soap-maker Lever Brothers merged its business with those of Dutch margarine producer, Margarine Unie.

Unilever has operations in around 100 countries and our products are on sale in 50 more. Unilever first entered the Egyptian market in 1933.

Unilever is today one of the largest consumer goods businesses in the world with a turnover of almost $50 billion and personnel exceeding over 250,000 employees.

Unilever re-entered the Egyptian market in 1991 as a Joint-Venture with the Fine Foods company, part of Rachid Group. This was followed by the establishment of Lever Egypt in 1992, creating one of the largest FMCG business in Egypt.

In January 2001 , the operations of Unilever Levant were merged into Unilever Egypt to create Unilever Mashreq.

Our brands include well-known names like Lipton, Fine Foods, Knorr, Sunsilk, Signal, LUX, Dove, OMO, AXE, Rexona and Fair & Lovely.