Special Exhibitions

Architecture and Society

Located at the entrance of the main building of the Library, this exhibition, organized by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in collaboration with the BA staff, this exhibition will be inaugurated by HE the president and Mrs. Mubarak with HH the Aga Khan on the 23rd of October. The exhibition shows examples of the Award for Architecture, the historic cities program and the other outreach activities supported by the AKTC. The Award won by the BA in 2004 shall be highlighted.

Architecture Excellence in the Muslim world (AKAA winners retrospective)

Located in the main exhibition hall in the BA Conference Center (BACC), this exhibition shows the breadth and variety of the 95 projects selected from 28 countries over the last 30 years to receive the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA). The lessons learned fro these projects about conservation of heritage, as well as solving the problems of the poor in the slums of the cities or the neglected rural areas of the rapidly developing and turbulent countries of the Muslim societies of today.  The lessons also show that beauty is not hostage to wealth, and that elegant, world class architecture exists in these developing countries and the AKAA has given awards to some of the best and the most diverse.  All in all, it is an exhibition that is as pleasing to the eye as it is engaging for the intellect.

The Aga Khan Program for Historic Cities (The Al-Azhar Park and related projects)

Located in the main exhibition areas in the BACC, the exhibit will highlight the enormous achievement of the Al-Azhar Park in Cairo, and the related projects around it. Together these projects show how sensitive design, sound economic management and community interaction can help build a world class project deserving of international attention.

1000 Peace Women

In 2005, A Swiss group decided to collect the stories of 1000 women helping society in myriad ways, and to present the whole group, the 1000 peace women for the Nobel Peace Prize. They did not receive the Award, but the effort served many other purposes: It highlighted that Peace is not just about ending wars, but it is about creating the effective social capital and the caring and nurturing environment that allows each person to flourish to their full potential. Finally, the effort also highlighted the enormous contribution of women to society and to peace making and peace building. The pictures and summaries of the work of these 1000 Peace women are on display in an exhibit that will be inaugurated by Mrs. Mubarak on the 24th of October in conjunction with a seminar discussing the role of women in peace (broadly defined).

Hassan Fathy

The Great Architect Hassan Fathy has left an important legacy, not Just in Egypt but in the whole world. This exhibition, presented in conjunction with L'Institut du Monde Arabe of Paris, displays some of his sensitive projects and his philosophy of humanism that so affected all those who had the honor of knowing him and of working with him.