The way that we think douching
might relate to PID is not that it forces the bugs up into the upper genital tract because
in terms of the mechanics of it that wouldn’t make sense, but that douching may actually
alter the PH of the vaginal flora thereby creating condition where you get bacterial
vaginosis, which is a replacement of the normal vaginal flora, which is called
Lactobacillus, with a mixture of bad bugs. Literally a good guys versus the bad guys
situation. The good guys are residing in the vaginal flora normally, keeping away all the
bad bugs, such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, being protective. When you put soap up in your
vagina or through douching you may actually wipe out the good guys and allow the bad guys
to grow, which would allow Gonorrhea and Chlamydia to get into the cervix and to ascend
the upper genital tract. There’s been a huge question in the literature as to whether
these bugs, BV, even if there wasn’t Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, may cause PID if they
ascend into the upper genital tract. |