
Partners/ Collaborators:

Over the years, the CSSP has succeeded in partnering and collaborating with the world’s leading organizations; to name a few: The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS); The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT); US National Academy of Sciences; World Health Organization; European Commission; Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research and Technology; African, American, Asian, Egyptian, and European Universities; Nature; UNESCO, etc.

Regional Partner


The CSSP acts as the Arab regional partner for the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS-AREP). It aims to promote scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in the region through annual activities for the Arab scientists, especially young researchers (prizes, affiliation programs, annual meetings for the Arab members, young scientist’s conferences, workshops and public lectures).


National Academy of Sciences

This cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was on the theme of Educational Institute for Responsible Research. It aimed at developing a framework for an international series of faculty development workshops/institutes to enhance education about issues related to responsible conduct of research in life sciences.

The CSSP was involved as committee members and facilitators (the committee was responsible for delivering the academic and scientific content), besides planning and execution of four out of five of the previous institutes/ workshops:

  • 1st MENA Educational Institute for Responsible Research on Infectious Diseases: Ensuring Safe Science in the 21st Century (September 2012, Aqaba, Jordan)
  • Educational Institute on Responsible Science (August 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • 2nd MENA Educational Institute for Responsible Science (May 2014, Trieste, Italy)
  • 1st Egyp
