Culture for Development Directory

The museum as an instrument for engendering tolerance and understanding among children of different tribes in Nigeria

Okonkwo, Margaret | 2009
  • Author(s): Okonkwo, Margaret
  • Publisher: National museum of unity
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: museums, children, youth, educational facilities, ethnopsychology, culture, nigeria
This case study shows that the Unity Museums in Nigeria are playing very vital roles in engendering peace and tolerance amongst children of different tribes in the country.

Art criticism, cultural context and transmission of aesthetic values in Africa

Omoighe, Michael Osebhajimete A. | 2006
  • Author(s): Omoighe, Michael Osebhajimete A.
  • Publisher: AICA
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: cultural aspects, arts, cultural exchanges, cultural relations, africa
The impact of cultural signs, symbols and other parameters in aesthetic values within African contribution toward global culture is examined. Inability to decide signifying codes (in most entries from Africa) have denied or nullified artisit participation in international juried art shows.

International theatre of the oppressed organisation : [ITO

Opdebeeck, Luc and Matthijssen, Ronald | 2008-
  • Author(s): Opdebeeck, Luc and Matthijssen, Ronald
  • Publisher: Formaat, workplace for participatory drama]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: theatre, development, cultural co-operation, cultural development, performing arts
The International Theatre of the Oppressed Organisation will not be just one Center more, but an Organisation dedicated to help all Centers to develop themselves, so that they can help other TO groups to grow and develop.

WIPO guide on managing intellectual property for musuems

Pantalony, Rina Elster | [2007]
  • Author(s): Pantalony, Rina Elster
  • Publisher: World intellectual property organization (WIPO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: museums, intellectual property
This publication [address]es the identification of intellectual property relating to museums and the recommended best practices to manage it, consistent with institutional mission and mandate.

Preserving intangibility : who, what, where?

Papuga, Daniel Winfree | 2003
  • Author(s): Papuga, Daniel Winfree
  • Publisher: International committee for museums and collections of ethnography (ICME)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: cultural heritage, cultural property preservation, music, folk music, norway
Three models that are used in Norway for the preservation of intangible heritage are discussed: music competition, the 'district musician' system and academic folk music studies. Each of the models appears to be relevant to UNESCO definitions on preserving intangibility.

About this portal

The portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on culture for development. It is also an unique entry point for all other internet resources, including newsletters, discussion groups, websites, bibliographic databases, and directories of organizations and projects. Our ambition is to provide (almost) full coverage on the aforementioned themes.