Culture for Development Directory

Universal rules, local approaches : reflections on capacity building programmes to support the implementation of the UNESCO convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage 2001

Parthesius, Robert and Jeffery, Bill | 2009
  • Author(s): Parthesius, Robert and Jeffery, Bill
  • Publisher: Centre for international heritage activities (CIE) etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: cultural heritage, cultural property preservation, archaeology, shipwrecks, marine areas
This presentation is about the capacity building programmes and the multi-vocal approaches that the authors have developed when implementing maritime cultural heritage programmes in different regions of the world.

Cities, cultures and developments : a report that marks the fifth anniversary of Agenda 21 for culture

Pascual, Jordi | 2009
  • Author(s): Pascual, Jordi
  • Publisher: United cities and local governments (UCLG) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: culture, development, treaties
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Agenda 21 for Culture, this document presents with detailed cases of the Agenda in cities from all over the world. It is also rich in observations, suggestions and nuances.

Culture, local governments and Millennium development goals

Pascual, Jordi | 2009
  • Author(s): Pascual, Jordi
  • Publisher: United cities and local governments (UCLG) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: culture, local government, development strategies
This report shows how culture is being built into local development strategies designed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Creativity, diversity and heritage are values which are intrinsic to culture and nowadays are basic building blocks in any development strategy.

Cultural policies, human development and institutional innovation : or why we need an Agenda 21 for culture

Pascual, Jordi | 2007
  • Author(s): Pascual, Jordi
  • Publisher: Cultural development network
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: culture, human rights, governance
Agenda 21 for culture was agreed by cities and local governments worldwide 'committed to human rights, cultural diversity, sustainability, participatory democracy and creating conditions for peace'. This article discusses the relation of culture with human rights, development and democracy.

Key ideas on the Agenda 21 for culture

Pascual, Jordi | 2006
  • Author(s): Pascual, Jordi
  • Publisher: [Institut de cultura de Barcelona]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: culture
This document establishes the groundwork of an undertaking by cities and local governments for cultural development. It is used to: reinforce and renew local cultural policies; and advocate national governments and international institutions on the importance of culture in local development.

About this portal

The portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on culture for development. It is also an unique entry point for all other internet resources, including newsletters, discussion groups, websites, bibliographic databases, and directories of organizations and projects. Our ambition is to provide (almost) full coverage on the aforementioned themes.