Rural Innovation Systems

Determinants of organisational and institutional innovation in the horticultural sectors of ACP countries

Temple, Ludovic | 2012
  • Author(s): Temple, Ludovic
  • Publisher: CTA
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: innovations, agricultural products, institutional infrastructure, developing countries
The author examines how the development of horticultural products to supply local, regional or international markets is related to determinants of innovation, distinguishing between the exogenous or endogenous nature of these determinants in relation to the geographic location of the innovations.

Agricultural innovation platform as a tool for development oriented research : lessons and challenges in the formation and operationalization

Tenywa, M.M. | 2011
  • Author(s): Tenywa, M.M.
  • Publisher: Learning publics institute (LPI)
  • Pages: 117--146
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, farmers associations, capacity building, technology transfer, information networks, africa
This paper presents the processes, general guidelines lessons and experiences pertaining to “good practices” for organising and forming Agricultural Innovation Platforms in the Lake Kivu Pilot Learning Site area, covering three countries (Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo).

Challenges and opportunities for strengthening farmers organisations in Africa : lessons from Ethiopia, Kenya and Malawi

Thompson, John | 2009
  • Author(s): Thompson, John
  • Publisher: Institute of development studies (IDS). Future agricultures consortium
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: farmers associations, capacity building, development strategies, nongovernmental organizations, ethiopia, kenya, malawi
Strengthening and empowering farmers organizations (FOs) in Africa will involve much trial and error. Scoping studies show that organizational development of FOs is a slow and uneven process that cannot be forced.

The seven habits of highly effective farmers' organisations

Thompson, John | 2009
  • Author(s): Thompson, John
  • Publisher: Institute of development studies (IDS). Future agricultures consortium
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: farmers associations, organizational structure, management, empowerment, small farms, governance, popular participation, co-operation between organizations, africa south of sahara
The working principles to assess the performance of farmers' organization in Africa are: clarity of mission; sound governance; strong and accountable leadership; social inclusion; demand-driven; high technical and managerial capacity; and, effective engagement with external actors.

Applying the learning and innovation systems paradigm to design an IDRC research funding program in Latin America

Tiffin, Scott | [1999]
  • Author(s): Tiffin, Scott
  • Publisher: IDRC. Regional office for Caribbean and Latin America
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development plans, development projects, innovations, capacity building, information management, latin america, caribbean region
Recent projects in Latin America and the Caribbean are reviewed in light of a model for project design which places increased emphasis on institution building, baseline information, and resource management.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).