Rural Innovation Systems

Farmers' organisations and contracted R&D services : service provision and innovation in the coffee chain

Ton, Giel and Jansen, Don | 2007
  • Author(s): Ton, Giel and Jansen, Don
  • Publisher: Stichting DLO
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agribusiness, purchasing, coffee, small farms, farmers associations, research and development contracts, latin america, colombia
Explores mechanisms that underpin the governance of R&D arrangements by farmers' organizations and applis this analytical framework to the analysis of R&D in the coffee value chain in Colombia.

Enhancing innovation between scientific and indigenous knowledge : pioneer NGOs in India

Torri, Maria-Costanza and Laplante, Julie | 2009
  • Author(s): Torri, Maria-Costanza and Laplante, Julie
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: 5--29
  • Keywords: traditional medicine, medicinal plants, innovations, indigenous knowledge, information networks, nongovernmental organizations, india, tamil nadu
A field study of ethnomedicine in Tamil Nadu demonstrates that local networks can synergistically forge linkages between local knowledge and formal sciences and generate positive and negative impacts.

Strengthening operativity of the municipal councils for rural development (CMDR) in three municipalities of the Cauca Valley Province, Colombia

Trujillo, Elيas Claros and Fajardo, Adriana | 2005
  • Author(s): Trujillo, Elيas Claros and Fajardo, Adriana
  • Publisher:
  • Pages: 371--373
  • Keywords: rural development, local government, popular participation, social groups, colombia
Among other things, a diagnostic workshop was held to determine the structure of the networks of participation, trust and representativeness of three Municipal Councils for Rural Development (CMDR) in Colombia.

Strategic partnerships to build African scientific capacity for agriculture : a report of the CSIS global food security project

Tuttle, Johanna Nesseth | 2011
  • Author(s): Tuttle, Johanna Nesseth
  • Publisher: Center for strategic and international studies (CSIS)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, institution building, capacity building, international co-operation, africa
The report provides an overview of agricultural science cooperation within the African research system; the university system; and the role of partnerships with the private sector. The conclusions point to several areas of opportunity for USA-African science cooperation.

It may take a little while... : insights on agricultural research for innovation and development in Nigeria

Ugbe, Utiang P. | 2010
  • Author(s): Ugbe, Utiang P.
  • Publisher: NR international]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: innovations, institution building, agricultural research, rural development, africa
A new approach to agricultural innovation (AI) support is being tested for using research for development. A medium/long-term agenda of strengthening AI capacity needs to be addressed in the policy and institutional domain rather than just in terms of skills and actions of farmers and market actors.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).