Rural Innovation Systems

Institutional change and effective financing of agricultural research in Latin America : findings of a workshop, Buenos Aires, August 1995

Echeverrيa, Ruben G. and Trigo, Eduardo J. and Byerlee, Derek | 1996
  • Author(s): Echeverrيa, Ruben G. and Trigo, Eduardo J. and Byerlee, Derek
  • Publisher: World bank
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, finance, latin america
Successful elements needed for funding agricultural research through joint ventures, sale of research products, competitive funds, foundations, farmers' contributions and private sector agrifood enterprises are identified.

The systems of innovation approach and innovation policy : an account of the state of the art

Edquist, Charles | 2001
  • Author(s): Edquist, Charles
  • Publisher: Linkِping university]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development policy, innovations, development research
The state-of-the-art of the Systems of Innovation (SI) approach is examined. Remaining challenges include the need for further theoretical and conceptual development and for incorporating neglected types of learning.

The CGIAR at a crossroads : assessing the role of international agricultural research in poverty alleviation from an innovation systems perspective

Ekboir, Javier | 2009
  • Author(s): Ekboir, Javier
  • Publisher: Institutional learning and change (ILAC) initiative
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, international co-operation, innovations, development strategies, poverty alleviation, co-operation between organizations
The CGIAR should devote increasing resources to better characterize the dynamics of poverty, redefine the networks to foster innovation, and link local innovators and researchers with international scientific networks.

Successful organizational learning in the management of agricultural research and innovation : the Mexican produce foundations

Ekboir, Javier M. | cop. 2009
  • Author(s): Ekboir, Javier M.
  • Publisher: International food policy research institute (IFPRI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, funds, innovations, institutional infrastructure, capacity building, organizational change, latin america, mexico
This case study shows how an organization that manages public funds for research and extension could learn and adapt to maximize its impact on the agricultural innovation system.

Reader : funding of services

Elfring, Wilhelm and Hofer, Joachim | 2008
  • Author(s): Elfring, Wilhelm and Hofer, Joachim
  • Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, agricultural extension, development assistance, investments, public sector, private sector
Discusses recent shifts in funding the advisory services necessary for promoting market-oriented crop production and marketing by smallholders and other actors in agricultural value chains.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).