Rural Innovation Systems

When is quantitative data collection appropriate in farmer participatory research and development? : who should analyse the data and how?

Floyd, Sian | 1999
  • Author(s): Floyd, Sian
  • Publisher: ODI
  • Pages: 9--14
  • Keywords: agricultural research, statistical data, popular participation, farmers, small farms
The value of quantitative data collection and analysis in farmer participatory research is discussed. Great efforts have often been expended on obtaining superfluous data. Yet, statistical analysis and modelling can be very useful.

Rural innovation : crucial, but rarely systemic

Freshwater, David | 2012
  • Author(s): Freshwater, David
  • Publisher: University of Minnesota
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: innovations, development strategies, rural areas, rural development
A broad innovation concept which includes the actions of individual inventors/entrepreneurs, opens the possibility of rural innovation. Not only do we see significant innovation in rural areas, some of these innovations have been globally disruptive and led to major changes in important industries.

Less noise in the household : the impact of farmer field schools on gender relations

Friis-Hansen, Esbern and Duveskog, Deborah and Taylor, Edward W. | 2012
  • Author(s): Friis-Hansen, Esbern and Duveskog, Deborah and Taylor, Edward W.
  • Publisher: International research journals
  • Pages: 44--55
  • Keywords: agricultural extension, women, gender, africa
The study, carried out in Kakamega District, western Kenya, concludes that Farmer Field Schools generate gender impacts not only because it empowers women but because it also provides opportunities for the men, the agent of oppression in this case, to change their view on women.

Supporting local innovation for rural development : analysis and review of five innovation support funds

Friis-Hansen, Esbern and Egelyng, Henrik | cop. 2007
  • Author(s): Friis-Hansen, Esbern and Egelyng, Henrik
  • Publisher: Danish institute for international studies (DIIS)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: funds, innovations, rural development, agricultural innovations, institutional infrastructure, india, latin america
This desk study reviews 5 funding concepts for promoting rural innovation: the Indian “National Innovation Fund', the GTZ-funded SSPF, the PROLINNOVA approach, FAO's PFI-FFS, and the CIALs in Latin America.

Use of participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) in the Chaco foundation (FDTA-Chaco)

Fuentes F., W. | 2005
  • Author(s): Fuentes F., W.
  • Publisher:
  • Pages: 397--403
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, technology transfer, institution building, evaluation, popular participation, farmers, bolivia
CIAT's Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation system was applied to the Bolivian Agricultural and Livestock Technology System to strengthen the position of farmers in demanding technology transfer from various innovation projects.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).