Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction and psychological comfort that makes us embrace life, enthusiastically practicing and spreading this positive feeling. On the International Day of Happiness, celebrated every year on 20 March, we have to highlight how food and happiness are deeply intertwined. Food is so much more than fuel; it plays a significant role in influencing our mood and emotional state. Healthy balanced foods help release brain chemicals, such as dopamine, which improve mood and create feeling of happiness. What is dopamine? How does it affect our feelings and senses?
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced by the brain and the nervous system, facilitating nerve cells (neurons) communication with each other. It is the driving force behind everything that is motivating and exciting. It is directly associated with persistence in pursuing goals and indirectly pushes your functions to keep going and be productive.
Dopamine plays a crucial role in the learning process, attention, and memory enhancement. It also partially controls heart rate, blood pressure, and kidney functions. Furthermore, it significantly contributes to improving the mood and creating feelings of reward and happiness, influences motor control, and improves sleep quality.
Dopamine deficiency is, thus, associated with weakness in memory and concentration, loss of passion, depression, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms can be controlled by increasing dopamine levels naturally; however, a severe decrease can cause health problems that necessarily require therapeutic intervention, using dopamine production stimulants, only by prescription from a physician. Do not hesitate to consult a specialist, since there is no single definitive test for diagnosing dopamine deficiency; doctors track the symptoms to determine its levels.
How to increase dopamine levels naturally?
Studies have confirmed that dopamine deficiency negatively impacts the mood. They also suggest that certain foods can help boost dopamine release and improve the mood. Since we eat throughout the day, what if we carefully make dietary choices that increase dopamine levels? Here are the best foods for that purpose:
- Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to increased dopamine levels in the body. Seafood in general is a great source of iodine, which is an essential component in the production of dopamine.
- Animal protein, such as red and white meats, contains high amounts of amino acids; the most important of which is tyrosine, which contributes to the acidic structure of dopamine.
- Dairy products and eggs are rich in essential amino acids; vegetarians rely on them primarily.
- Nuts, including almonds and walnuts, are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc; they contribute to dopamine production and brain stimulation.
- Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, and legumes,such as green beans, are rich in folate, magnesium, and iron.
- Fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, sweet potatoes, avocados, and apples, are beneficial for brain health and mood improvement due to their antioxidant content. Bananas, on the other hand, are rich in amino acid tyrosine, which contributes to brain function.
- Dark chocolate and cocoa are among the most important foods that can increase dopamine release. They contain amino acids, such as phenylethylamine, which participate in the production of dopamine and create the feeling of happiness.
Our bodies are governed by what we eat, so let us make every meal a wise choice for a better health and a happier life. Healing can be through food, as well as delighting our hearts with every taste and color.
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