Roses are red, violets are blue; or are they? The colors you see may not always be the same someone else sees.
There is no place like home! This is all what we think of after a long, tiring day at school or work. Home is where we feel safe and relaxed.
Researchers in 3D printing technology have been actively attempting to come up with new methods to artificially create lifelike blood vessels.
Technology has come such a long way that it has definitely entered all aspects of our lives; one of the fields that have developed by leaps and bounds is the medical field.
The possibility of successfully creating a genetically-modified human is no longer science fiction. Thanks to a new targeted gene modification technology known as CRISPR.
Food is the fuel for our body to move, feel warm, and practice different activities, and that our biological systems need to function.
Not all babies are born healthy; unfortunately, some are born with congenital birth defects. Unlike diseases that are related to an unhealthy lifestyle, congenital birth defects exist since birth.
It is almost 3:00 pm, and your energy levels are on the low; you can neither focus nor resist the urge to sleep.
No one can deny the benefits of salads. It is the salad dish per day that can actually keep the doctor away.
Which virus do we consider deadly? Is it the virus that spreads quickly? Or is it the virus that kills most of the infected persons?
Healthy nutrition is the key for having good overall health and preventing multiple diseases.
Nowadays, household antiseptics are indispensable in any home, because of their great importance in sterilizing and sanitizing each part of it.
Nowadays, everyone around the world is familiar with the dangers of climate change as one of the most visible environmental concerns, where temperature is rising, polar glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that usually affects the lungs. It is the second biggest killer, globally; in 2015, 1.8 million people died of TB and an estimate of 10.4 million new cases was registered.
As summer approaches, we start planning our vacations; first on the list is going to the beach, where we enjoy swimming and tanning.