Articles (Computer)

The Mission of Jupiter Supercomputer
(Computers and Information Technology)

In June 2022, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) was chosen to host Jupiter, Europe's first supercomputer, which can process a quintillion (a million trillion) mathematical calculations per second.

Technology and the Gender Gap
(Education, Business, and Society)

Gender inequality does not only affect females; when half the population is denied their full potential; the world, as a whole, is at great disadvantage.

Machine Translation: History, Concerns, and Prospects
(Computers and Information Technology)

While latest MT technologies can provide valuable assistance to translators, many fear it would replace human translators entirely.

Communication through the Ages
(Inventions and Innovations)

Communication in the past was never easy. Today, we communicate easily with people around the globe, and access information whenever needed.

The History and Evolution of Chatbots
(Computers and Information Technology)

Chatbots are designed applications to imitate a human dialogue; in this article, we explore the turning points in this story of evolution.

Go Green (2): Your Guide to Sustainable Lifestyle at Work
(Education, Business, and Society)

Never miss a chance to live a little greener. You can practice simple good green habits and lead a sustainable lifestyle at your workplace.

And Then She Changed the World
(Inventions and Innovations)

Women have played a great role with inventions that have helped further develop the world as we know it, a few of their inventions are presented.

Big Data for Sustainable Development
(Computers and Information Technology)

A lot of Big Data is being collected around the world; targeting achieving sustainable development goals for a better world and human life.

Important Applications Revealed by the Coronavirus Crisis
(Education, Business, and Society)

We do not realize that our use of mobile phones and tablets is limited until we discover more fascinating options, applications, and settings.

A Lockdown Generation (2): The Psychological Impacts of the Coronavirus on University Students
(Education, Business, and Society)

Universities were locked after the outbreak of COVID-19; even though things seemed bright, for many distant learning was not that easy.

A Lockdown Generation: Remote-Learning Lessons and Practices
(Education, Business, and Society)

The lockdown has not been an easy or familiar experience; althuogh youths were reluctant, children were full of curiosity and defiance.

What Has Technology Done for Football?
(Inventions and Innovations)

Technology was used to monitor the players heart rates; currently, it is used to track the players performance, and its development continues.

The Future of Passwords
(Computers and Information Technology)

When it comes to protecting our electronic accounts, we need to find solutions that are more confidential and discreet, yet less complicated.

Cybercrimes: The Price of Technology
(Computers and Information Technology)

Our life is not free from problems due to technology; perhaps technology itself is innocent, but misuse has led to problems as cybercrimes.

Metaverse: The Future of the Internet?
(Computers and Information Technology)

On 28 October 2021, Mark Zuckerberg changed his company’s name from “Facebook” to “Meta”; a name that focuses on building the “Metaverse”.

Deepfakes: Not Everything You See is Real
(Computers and Information Technology)

Imagine waking up someday to find a perfectly made fake video portraying you practicing some magic tricks. How would you feel about it? Imagine again, how would you feel if this video goes viral?

Egyptian Scientist Nashwa El-Bendary
(Inventions and Innovations)

Meet the Egyptian scientist Nashwa El-Bendary, winner of the ALECSO and L'Oréal-UNESCO awards.

Are we destined for a Dystopian Tech-Future?
(Computers and Information Technology)

Technology in and of itself is neutral; however, depending on how it is used, it can have positive or negative effects.

Robotic Surgery
(Health and Diseases)

Robotic surgery is a misleading term because it implies that the surgery is performed by a robot; nothing could be further from the truth.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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