Terms & Conditions

  • Callima addresses all general public, of all different age groups, all around the world.
  • This service answers all questions; bibliographic or general reference inquiries on all topics, except in the following cases:
    • Religious, legislative, legal and medical consultations.
    • Academic and school assignments
  • Responses to questions shall be provided by Bibliotheca Alexandrina reference librarians within 3 to 7 working days.
  • All previously-submitted questions, along their responses, are available on Callima, allowing users to later refer to at any time. As for submitting a new inquiry, Callima users must log in first.
  • FAQs list includes selected inquiries, along their answers, and is prepared by reference librarians. Such list does not include any users’ personal information.
  • Callima does not respond to more than five questions per week per user. Each inquiry submission should include only one query in order to be able to offer the service to the largest number of users.
  • All questions and their answers can be viewed by any internet user browsing Callima. However, the BA Librarians have the right not to reply to certain questions based on their evaluation.
  • In case you have any further inquiries and/or comments after your first inquiry had been answered, first, click on “I found this information useful.” below the answer. You may, then, write your comments in the comments text box.
  • Before sending your inquiry, you are advised to have a look first at our FAQs ; you might already find the reply to your question there. If your question is not listed in the FAQs, please click on “Ask a Question”.
  • For more information regarding Callima, please refer to FAQs list.
  • For any technical problems, please send us by clicking on “Contact Us” on Callima homepage.