• Horizons of Interdisciplinary Convergence of Sciences: Natural and Social Sciences

This track aims to explore the fundamental concepts about interdisciplinary sciences, aiming to reach homogeneous methodology(ies) for natural and social sciences, as well as understanding the processes of linguistic and cognitive perception, in light of the interaction between the humanities, social, behavioral, biological sciences, linguistics, physiology, physics, chemistry, computer science, social sciences, and history, targeting to achieve a deeper understanding of human existence and enhance its futuristic survival.

  • Challenges of Communication Technology and Artificial Intelligence

This track aims to explore and support the interdisciplinary sciences, with the goal of reaching a multidimensional approach towards the sciences in all its diversified specializations of research. This is in light of the overlap between the biological, physiological, physical sciences, as well as, chemistry, computer science, environmental sciences, social sciences, and applied sciences —especially in the fields of engineering, medicine, and pharmacology, aiming to achieve a deeper understanding of human existence and enhance the quality of its futuristic survival.

  • New Methodological Explorations

This track aims to develop and create more integrated methodological approaches that aim to identify the way in which the methodology or theory may re-produces new methods for scientific research in the various fields of the sciences, via supporting the interconnected methodologies for the specializations of interdisciplinary characteristics.

  • Environmental Challenges

This track aims to monitor the most important environmental challenges and study their various effects, which may require urgent international and local interventions. Herein, the following topics will be discussed: climate change, loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, agriculture, food security and desertification.

  • Health and Society: Challenges of Genetic Engineering

This track aims to focus on studies that may provide practical solutions to improve the medical sector, possible mechanisms to improve health services, develop public health care policies, and enable the making of health-related political decisions. It also focuses on the emerging images of the uses of robots in the field of health care, and monitoring and tracking the possible effects that robots may impact on updating family and community health care.

  • New Perspectives of Social Issues

This track aims to explore new methods which could be more innovative, creative, and effective to enhance the practice in community fields relevant to women. Within this track the following ideas will be discussed: achieving sustainable development for women in developing societies, developing non-traditional approaches towards addressing violence against women, highlighting global policies which aim at supporting women (including exploring these policies’ pathways and methods of implementation within societies), in addition to addressing topics related to using digital methods in education and the advancement of educational systems.

  • Culture and Society

This track aims to shed light on community developments and ideas, such as: identity, citizenship, national belonging, digitalization and augmented reality innovations and its relation to human behavior and its cultural developments in real or virtual communities, especially within the fields of research in political science, information and communication sciences, and economic science.

  • Explorations of Futuristic prospects (Futurism)

This track aims to create more innovative, integrative, and consistent knowledge approaches that can anticipates and explore the future,  overcome the problems and complexities facing the various sciences and their scholarly research, and help in providing methodologies to understand how we can better foresee the future of mankind.