• Research abstracts should not exceed 500 words in both Arabic and English, the abstract should clearly include the importance of the research, its problem, its objectives, the methodology used, conclusions, and key words.

• CV (2 pages maximum) should be attached with abstract including personal, professional and academic data as well as the contact details of the applicant.

• Research papers are accepted in Arabic, English or French.

• The research should focus on one of the main track of the conference.

• The research should be original, innovative, and methodical. It should also meet the conditions and standards of scientific research, and utilize specialized sources and references in Arabic and foreign languages.

• The research should not be previously published in any form of publication, submitted to a scientific conference or symposium, or taken from a published book or academic thesis.

• The publishing methodology and the rules for writing the sources and references used at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina should be adhered to, and the researcher is committed to making any bibliographical amendments if requested.

• The research should be submitted electronically in MS Word format, via e-mail. Arabic research papers should be written in Traditional Arabic font (16 pts for the text, 12 pts for the margins). English or French research papers should be written in Times New Roman font (12 pts for the text, 10 pts for the margins). The distances between the lines should be 1.5 cm, the use of brackets should be adhered to, and the numbering should be unified. In the case of attached images, the resolution of the images should not be less than 300 in TIF or JPG format.

• Margins and references should be placed at the end of the research electronically, and the margin numbers should be sequential throughout the entire research paper.

• The full digits should not exceed 25 A4 pages including margins, appendices, indexes, references, sources, illustrations and figures.

• Accepted papers will not be included in the conference program except after submitting the full text on the dates specified.

• The final decision to authorize or reject the publication of the research is made by the Scientific Committee. In the case of approval after modification, the researcher is obliged to make the required modifications. In the event of rejection, the Scientific Committee reserves the right not to give reasons for the rejection.

• The papers will be published in the conference proceedings after they have been scientifically reviewed.

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