Serageldin at the Library of Congress

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Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, recently gave three lectures at the Library of Congress. On 6 March 2013, he spoke before a packed auditorium on “The Arab World and the Future of Egypt”. Large audiences returned on 8 March for two more lectures entitled: “The Loss and ...

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The Second Conference of the Arab Publishers Association

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The BA hosts on 23 and 24 March 2013, the Second Conference of the Arab Publishers Association under the title “Knowledge Empowerment and Publishing Challenges” Held in cooperation between the BA, the Ministry of Culture, and the Egyptian and the Arab Publisher Association, the Conference ...

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Along the Nile, Through the Sahara Book Launch

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center, in collaboration with the Italian Institute in Cairo holds on Tuesday, 5 March 2013, the book launch ceremony of Along the Nile, Through the Sahara: Travels in the Land of the Pharaohs in Search of the Unknown Egypt , by Claudio Pacifico; the ...

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Sennary House March Activities

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The BA Cairo-based Sennary House holds several activities in March 2013. Activities include a number of educational courses such as Restoration of Historic Buildings, Basics of Restoration, Ancient Egyptian Language, Islamic Art and Architecture, Media Policies, and Anthropology. Several ...

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