News Headlines
Comment l’Université de Makerere a recouvré son prestige

D’après Peter Wamboga-Mugirya, la promotion de la culture de la recherche a permis à l’Université de Makerere de recouvrer son prestige et sert d’exemple à d’autres établissements.

Analyse africaine : Quel avenir pour la recherche malgache ?

Linda Nordling s'interroge sur les conséquences à long terme de la persistante instabilité politique sur les scientifiques à Madagascar.

Africa backs new body to boost knowledge management

African science researchers and policy advisers have agreed to set up a foundation, endorsed by a range of African-based banks, to promote the use of scientific and other forms of knowledge by both public and private decision-makers in the continent. David Dickson

Welcome to PANS
The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World and the Library of Alexandria, Egypt, are collaborating to promote science and technology in the African continent.
The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)  was founded with a mandate to mobilize and strengthen the scientific community in Africa. The Library of Alexandria is a local institution with regional and global agendas in science communications. The two institutions join hands to act upon the Inter Academy Council Report of 2004 “Inventing a better future”, where it clearly states that “enhancing science and technology capacity in developing nations is truly a necessity and not a luxury”.
There is a growing international consensus that a collective commitment to innovation is essential to secure a nation’s future.

Upcoming Event
12ème Expo-Sciences Internationale / International Expo-Science

Evénement scientifique biennal, l’ESI est l’occasion pour les jeunes de toutes les régions du monde de présenter leurs projets de sciences et des techniques et d’en débattre. Une expérience plus que
