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Major environmental health risk factors of agricultural development

Agricultural development issue Direct environmental changes Secondary environmental changes Environmental health and risk factors
Irrigation development Hydrological changes
Increased water surfaces
Increased relative humidity
Increased insect populations
Increased densities
Greater chemical inputs
Introduction of new vector species
Increased vector densities
Changed vector population composition
Prolonged transmission season
Chemical poisoning
Land-use changes Deforestation
Reduced biodiversity/habitat
Changed composition of the insect fauna Changed vector population composition
Changed vector longevity
Cropping patterns High-yielding varieties
Shift from subsistence to cash crops
Accelerated cropping cycle
Plantation agriculture
Greater chemical inputs
Greater densities of insect populations
Reduction of predator insects in favour of pest and vector species
Livestock management Changed in livestock densities and spacial distribution of livestock
New breeds of livestock
Changed densities of bloodsucking insects Changed disease transmission potential
Mechanization Changes in livestock densities and loss of ecological features
Associated with draught animals
Changed densities of bloodsucking insects
Reduced refuge areas for predator insects
Air and water pollution
Introduction of new vector species
Development of insecticide resistance in vector populations
Chemical inputs Increased levels of pesticides, herbicides and/or fertilizer Chemical contamination
Eutrophication of water bodies
Expansion of aquatic weeds
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