Unfortunately, the
situation in this sphere of research is rather complicated. The scale we have developed
corresponds to the WHO protocol only partly since at present there exists only the Russian
version that, hence, does not meet the requirements of transcultural appropriateness, the
unique requirement of the WHO project. The scale can receive a WHO Instrument status only
after being modified through international collaboration with a sufficient number of other
countries. The participation of the Bekhterev Institute in the development of the
WHOQOL-100 has also given a stimulus to the translation, adaptation and approbation of the
Lancashire Quality of Life Profile (LQOLP) for the mentally ill. At present a comparison
of the WHOQOL-100, SM-QOL and LQOLP on a Russian sample of mental patients is being
carried out. We are also developing an original universal quality of life scale QOL-SD
(Quality of Life – Semantic Differential) claiming to be able to measure specific
effects of psychosocial work with various types of psychoneurological patients and their
family members. |