The two major purposes of this
lecture are to provide you with a brief overview of meta-analysis followed by a general
description of the steps involved in conducting a meta-analysis. While there are a number
of textbooks on meta-analysis, here are three of the more recent that I would recommend
for additional and more detailed information:
- Lipsey, M.W., Wilson, D. B. Practical meta-analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage;
(Applied Social Research Methods Series; 49), 2001.
- Petitti, D. B. Meta-analysis, decision analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis:
Methods for quantitative synthesis in medicine (2nd ed.). New York Oxford
University Press; 2000.
- Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Jones DR, Sheldon TA, Song F. Methods of meta-analysis in
medical research. West Sussex, England Wiley, 2000.
I would also recommend the Cochrane Collaboration website for additional information on
meta-analysis: See: http://www.cochrane.org/ |