Gender, Citizenship and Governance

Water rights as women's rights? : assessing the scope for women's empowerment through decentralised water governance in Maharashtra and Gujarat

Kulkarni, Seema | 2008
  • Author(s): Kulkarni, Seema
  • Publisher: SOPPECOM [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: water supply, governance, women in politics, empowerment, decentralization in government, local government, gender, india
The implications of decentralization of water governance in Maharashtra and Gujarat, India, for environmental democracy and gender rights are examined. The question to what extent participation in community water governance has been empowering for women representatives is addressed.

Myanmar case study : putting women at the centre of disaster risk reduction

Kyaw, Patrick | cop. 2012
  • Author(s): Kyaw, Patrick
  • Publisher: Oxfam GB
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: empowerment, disaster preparedness, women, myanmar
The programme took two approaches: to identify and address vulnerability to risk and to foster development of women’s livelihoods. Both directly benefits women, who are among the most vulnerable members of the community, and improves the capacity of the whole community to withstand natural hazards.

Gender analysis of women's political participation in 7 South-East Asian countries : Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, East Timor and Vietnam 2008-2009 : Regional gender programme in South-East Asia - Stage II

Labani, Sepideh and Zabaleta Kaehler, Carla and De Dios Ruiz, Paula | 2009]
  • Author(s): Labani, Sepideh and Zabaleta Kaehler, Carla and De Dios Ruiz, Paula
  • Publisher: Association for women's rights in development (AWID) etc.
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, international co-operation, bangladesh, cambodia, philippines, indonesia, sri lanka, timor-leste, sri lanka
A global and comparative perspective of women’s political participation in South-East Asia is offered with a view to identify the strategic partners in women’s political participation for Spanish cooperation in the region, or those who are strategic partners due to their leading regional role.

Making decentralization work for women in Uganda

Lakwo, Alfred | cop. 2009
  • Author(s): Lakwo, Alfred
  • Publisher: African studies centre (ASC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, local government, popular participation, leadership, uganda
Using decentralized local governance in Uganda as its case study, this study explores how women’s political participation operates within an already gendered political arena and whether it can become rewarding to grassroots women and good governance.

Buen vivir : an introduction from a women's rights perspective in Bolivia

Lanza, Martha | 2012
  • Author(s): Lanza, Martha
  • Publisher: Association of women's rights in development (AWID)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: gender mainstreaming, gender, empowerment, economic aspects, bolivia
This article introduces Buen Vivir both as a concept and in its implementation in public policies in Bolivia. The Feminist Perspectives series shares information, experiences from the ground, provides analysis, and builds knowledge on visions and practices of development.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on women’s political participation & representation, women’s rights, institutional mainstreaming, and decentralization & local governance. Find your resources in the database.