Gender, Citizenship and Governance

New voices, new perspectives : performances of resistance : women's struggle for political power in Cambodia

Lilja, Mona | 2006
  • Author(s): Lilja, Mona
  • Publisher: United nations international research and training institute for the advancement of women (INSTRAW)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women's status, political power, gender, sex discrimination, political participation, cambodia
Contending claims to political power in Cambodia are the focus of this article. It discusses how politically involved women outline strategies and perform various types of resistance against the male domination of democratic arenas.

Citizenship and gender

Lister, Ruth | ca. 2000]
  • Author(s): Lister, Ruth
  • Publisher: Aalborg university
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: feminism, gender, civil and political rights, women's rights
Citizenship and gender are discussed from two angles: as a historical relationship and as a political and theoretical project. The focus is in particular on the key debates around what might be called the ‘regendering’ of citizenship.

Feminist theory & practice of citizenship

Lister, Ruth | 2003
  • Author(s): Lister, Ruth
  • Publisher: DVPW
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: feminism, civil and political rights
The paper addresses: citizenship as a contextualized and contested concept; the meaning(s) of citizenship; citizenship's gendered character; approaches to what we might call the 're-gendering' of citizenship in pursuit of a woman-friendly and gender-inclusive model.

Citizenship : towards a feminist synthesis

Lister, Ruth | 1997
  • Author(s): Lister, Ruth
  • Publisher: Feminist review]
  • Pages: 28--48
  • Keywords: civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, women, feminism
The different meanings of citizenship are reviewed to argue for a synthesis of the rights and participatory traditions, linked through the notion of human agency. Next, citizenship's exclusionary tensions which have served to exclude women and minority groups from full citizenship are considered.

30 years of democracy : riding the wave? : women's political participation in Latin America

Llanos, Beatriz and Sample, Kristen | cop. 2008
  • Author(s): Llanos, Beatriz and Sample, Kristen
  • Publisher: International institute for democracy and electoral assistance (IDEA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, political representation, political parties, affirmative action programmes, latin america
An assessment of women's leadership and political participation in Latin American countries that have either maintained or adopted a representative and multi-party democratic system since 1978. The focus is on to what extent women are present in political office and party politics.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on women’s political participation & representation, women’s rights, institutional mainstreaming, and decentralization & local governance. Find your resources in the database.