Governance & HIV and AIDS

Business coalitions tackling AIDS : a worldwide review

Sidhu, Inderjit K. | 2008
  • Author(s): Sidhu, Inderjit K.
  • Publisher: World economic forum : with UNAIDS [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: private sector, aids, business ethics, programme management
This report reviews and analyses the current status of four regional and 47 national Business Coalitions that are in various stages of development around the world today. It also introduces 10 coalitions planned for launch in 2008-2009.

Scaling up the district response initiative to integrate care and support of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Ghana : final report on midterm review

Simwanza, Alex | 2005
  • Author(s): Simwanza, Alex
  • Publisher: World health organization (WHO)]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: programme management, programme planning, local government, community participation, aids, ghana
This report focuses on the District Response Initiative (DRI) in Ghana. The overall objective of the DRI is to broaden the spectrum of HIV/AIDS activities from a vertical health sector-focused approach towards an integrated, multisectoral and development-approach.

False hope or new start? : The Global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria

Smith, Mohga Kamal and Saunders, Philippa | 2002
  • Author(s): Smith, Mohga Kamal and Saunders, Philippa
  • Publisher: Oxfam international
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development assistance, financing, health policy, programme planning, health programmes, civil society, gender, aids
This Oxfam Briefing Paper addresses the challenges regarding the funding and management of the Global Fund, as well as its capacity to mount an effective and efficient response to the three diseases.

Asia Pacific civil society and 2008 UNGASS on HIV and AIDS

Stephens, David | 2008
  • Author(s): Stephens, David
  • Publisher: Asia Pacific council of AIDS service organizations (APCASO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: civil society, gender, human rights, community participation, aids, asia and the pacific
The aim of the review is to provide: a general overview of civil society participation in national responses and in the compilation of the reports; and an assessment of the accuracy/gaps of each report in terms of civil society experience and knowledge.

Stigma, scale-up, and treatment governance : stumbling block or window of opportunity?

Stephens, David | 2006
  • Author(s): Stephens, David
  • Publisher: U.S. Agency for international development (USAID)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: aids, attitudes, health policy, health services, disease prevention, discrimination
This paper seeks to define treatment governance and address the roles that stigma and discrimination and the greater involvement of people with AIDS play in the policies and programs that are designed in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

About this portal

The information portal provides access to selected, free full-text electronic publications and other Internet sources on the mechanisms of interaction through which HIV and AIDS policies and strategies are developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated at different levels involving both public and private parties.