Governance & HIV and AIDS

Exploring the economic and social terrain of epidemic disease in China : income inequality and HIV/AIDS - is there a relationship?

Sutherland, Dylan | 2007
  • Author(s): Sutherland, Dylan
  • Publisher: Nottingham university
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: income distribution, equality, poverty, epidemics, aids, china
In this paper particular aspects of the economic and social terrain of China’s HIV/AIDS epidemic are explored. The role of income inequality is given special attention.

Gender and HIV/AIDS : overview report

Tallis, Vicci | cop. 2002
  • Author(s): Tallis, Vicci
  • Publisher: University of Sussex]. Institute of development studies (IDS). BRIDGE
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: aids, epidemics, gender, women, empowerment
Whilst there are growing expressions of commitment to addressing the gender dimensions of HIV/AIDS, action at a policy and practice level still needs development. This report explores the extent to which HIV/AIDS responses address gender.

Corruption and HIV/AIDS

Tayler, Liz and Dickinson, Clare and Tanui, Kipkoech and Ng'ang'a, Nixon | 2005
  • Author(s): Tayler, Liz and Dickinson, Clare and Tanui, Kipkoech and Ng'ang'a, Nixon
  • Publisher: Transparency international (TI) : the global coalition against corruption]
  • Pages: 103--115
  • Keywords: development assistance, aids, corrupt practices, kenya
This book chapter discusses the mechanics that affect the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.

Tanzania's decentralised approach to HIV/AIDS governance : a case study from Ludewa district

Taylor, Ben | 2006
  • Author(s): Taylor, Ben
  • Publisher: HakiElimu
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: local government, civil society, community participation, aids, tanzania
This paper presents and discusses the findings of empirical research into the village-level reality of the decentralisation approach. A qualitative case study approach is used, looking at two villages. Insights from the literature are incorporated into this study.

Building governance capacity and community engagement in Lesotho : Youth against HIV/AIDS (YAH)

Theriault, Melanie | 2006
  • Author(s): Theriault, Melanie
  • Publisher: Youth against HIV/AIDS (YAH)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: community participation, governance, aids, youth, lesotho
Case study of a 21-year-old young man who actively participated in the Youth Against HIV/AIDS program. His story illustrates the benefits of the program in fostering civic responsibility and leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Lesotho.

About this portal

The information portal provides access to selected, free full-text electronic publications and other Internet sources on the mechanisms of interaction through which HIV and AIDS policies and strategies are developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated at different levels involving both public and private parties.