Governance & HIV and AIDS

Participatory governance? : citizens and the state in South Africa

Thompson, Lisa | 2007
  • Author(s): Thompson, Lisa
  • Publisher: University of the Western Cape. African centre for citizenship and democracy
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: governance, community participation, civil and political rights, human rights, health, south africa
The chapters raise key issues and dilemmas around participatory governance processes in South Africa, including the ways in which we understand the processes themselves. How we understand citizenship and the rights of the citizen in participatory processes is one of the key themes.

Integrated AIDS program Thika, Kenya : a case study

Thurman, Tonya Renee and Neudorf, Kristin | [2008]
  • Author(s): Thurman, Tonya Renee and Neudorf, Kristin
  • Publisher: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Carolina population center. Measure evaluation
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: programme planning, community participation, kenya
The purpose of this case study is to gain a better understanding of one of the programs selected for the evaluation as well as identify lessons learned that could be applied to other initiatives. The case study is based upon program document review; program site visits.

Mainstreaming AIDS in development instruments and processes at the national level : a review of experiences

Topouzis, Daphne and Verbruggen, Bob and Annan, Joseph | 2005
  • Author(s): Topouzis, Daphne and Verbruggen, Bob and Annan, Joseph
  • Publisher: Joint United nations programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development plans, poverty alleviation, public health, health policy, disease control, aids, africa south of sahara, asia and the pacific
This is the final report of a joint review commissioned by UNAIDS and UNDP of the experiences with mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in national development instruments, and of technical support provided to national partners in this area.

Engaging faith-based organizations in HIV prevention : a training manual for programme managers

Toure, Aminata | 2007
  • Author(s): Toure, Aminata
  • Publisher: United nations population fund (UNFPA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: aids, disease prevention, religious institutions, programme management, manuals, curriculum development, programme planning, health programmes
This manual is a capacity-building tool for programme managers in the field, policy makers and development practitioners to recognize the social, cultural and economic factors at play in HIV prevention and to partner with faith-based organizations to address them.

NGOs in HIV/AIDS responses in Africa : a comparison of the Cameroonian and South African cases

Tsotsa, Edrich Nathanaƫl | 2007
  • Author(s): Tsotsa, Edrich NathanaĆ«l
  • Publisher: French institute of South Africa
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: disease prevention, human rights, health policy, nongovernmental organizations, aids, cameroon, south africa
This paper aims to examine the constraints of the current national governance of HIV/AIDS responses in Africa with a view to contributing to the understanding of the place and role of NGOs, through data collected in Cameroon and South Africa.

About this portal

The information portal provides access to selected, free full-text electronic publications and other Internet sources on the mechanisms of interaction through which HIV and AIDS policies and strategies are developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated at different levels involving both public and private parties.