Health and Poverty

Quantifying the impoverishing effects of purchasing medicines : a cross-country comparison of the affordability of medicines in the developing world

Niëns, Laurens M. | 2010
  • Author(s): Niëns, Laurens M.
  • Publisher: Public library of science (PLoS) medicine]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: medical care, essential drugs, health economics, developing countries
In low and middle income countries (LMICs), medicines are often highly priced in relation to income levels. This article presents the results of a cross-country analysis of the affordability of four medicines in 16 LMICs.

Contracting private sector providers for public sector health services in Jalisco, Mexico : perspectives of system actors

Nigenda, Gustavo H. and Gonzلlez, Luz Marيa | 2009
  • Author(s): Nigenda, Gustavo H. and Gonzلlez, Luz Marيa
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health care delivery, health economics, health personnel, poverty, mexico
This paper describes and analyses the perceptions and opinions of managers and workers about the benefits and challenges of the contracting model that has been in place for almost 10 years in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Improving access to hospital care for the poor : comparative analysis of four health equity funds in Cambodia

Noirhomme, Mathieu | 2007
  • Author(s): Noirhomme, Mathieu
  • Publisher: Oxford university press [etc.]
  • Pages: 246--262
  • Keywords: health policy, health economics, poverty, cambodia
This paper reviews four hospital-based health equity funds in Cambodia and draws lessons for future operations. It investigates the practical questions of ‘who should do what and how’. The results are presented along the lines of identification, hospitalization rates and relative costs.

Equity : engage and empower the poor

Nouvelage, Elijah and Calvo Rodrيguez, Olmo and Riley, Ian | 2010
  • Author(s): Nouvelage, Elijah and Calvo Rodrيguez, Olmo and Riley, Ian
  • Publisher: Futures group
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health policy, health programmes, family planning, reproductive health, guatemala, india, kenya, vietnam
Engaging the poor and other vulnerable populations in policy and program design and implementation encourages local ownership and involvement for greater sustainability over time.

Health literacy as a public health goal : a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century

Nutbeam, Don | cop. 2000
  • Author(s): Nutbeam, Don
  • Publisher: Oxford university press
  • Pages: 259--267
  • Keywords: health information, health care delivery, health education, poverty
In this article is a 'health outcome model' presented. About functional health literacy, interactive health literacy and critical health literacy. By improving people's access to health information and their capacity to use it, it is argued that improved health literacy is critical to empowerment.

About this portal

This portal contains information on health (system) policies and practices to improve equity in the health sector and contribute to poverty reduction in low- and middle-income countries. The portal is part of a wider programme, Information for Health Action (I4HA).