Dobra, Alexandra | 2012
- Author(s): Dobra, Alexandra
- Publisher:
- Pages: 73--88
- Keywords: cultural aspects, political aspects, communication technology, information technology, governance, democracy, civil society, africa south of sahara
This paper develops the so-called “African model of ICT practice”, which proposes a set of hypotheses that aim to enable the effective usage and integration of ICT within the democratic process in the context of an African self-defined political reality.
Doeleman, Elma | 2002
- Author(s): Doeleman, Elma
- Publisher: Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (NiZA)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: political conditions, democracy, decentralization in government, local government, dispute settlement, development assistance, mozambique
In 2002, a conference about the constraints and perspectives of democracy in Mozambique was held in The Hague to discuss how to strengthen democracy and how to prevent the escalation of political tensions.
Dongmo Tsobzé, Albert and Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. and Minla Mfou'ou, Jeanot | cop. 2007
- Author(s): Dongmo Tsobzé, Albert and Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. and Minla Mfou'ou, Jeanot
- Publisher: SNV-Cameroun [etc.]
- Pages: --
- Keywords: governance, popular participation, finance, local government, infrastructure, development planning, decentralization in government, cameroon
The decentralization of the planning and implementation of government-funded infrastructural development projects in Cameroon is examined, using the cases of 5 local governments. There is increasing willingness to enhance the governance of the system, but the results so far have been mixed.
Dreger, Mirka and Huenninghaus, Anke | 2003
- Author(s): Dreger, Mirka and Huenninghaus, Anke
- Publisher: Ruhr-Universitنt Bochum. Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik (IEE)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: environmental protection, democracy, affirmative action programmes, development assistance, nongovernmental organizations, decentralization in government, social research, kyrgyzstan, zimbabwe, south africa, namibia, uzbekistan, benin
Interdisciplinary cooperation was encouraged among foreign PhD students at the Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik (IEE) in Germany. Two PhD studies dealt with democratization in Zimbabwe and decentralization processes in Benin.
Duchnowski, Rachael | 2012
- Author(s): Duchnowski, Rachael
- Publisher: University of technology Sydney (UTS)]
- Pages: 150--158
- Keywords: information exchange, capacity building, local government, united kingdom, ghana, pakistan, sierra leone, south africa, india, jamaica
The Good Practice Scheme partnered councils and local government associations from Jamaica, India, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Pakistan and Ghana with their counterparts in South Africa, India and the UK with the objective to exchange good practice and generate innovative solutions.