Epidemiology and Demography Office--Jack Guralnik, M.D., Ph.D. The Epidemiology and Demography Office plans
and conducts studies on:
- Chronic diseases and on functional status and disability in the older
population. - The epidemiologic distribution and determinants of specific diseases
such as coronary heart disease. - The consequences of disease, especially the
effects of chronic disease on functional limitations and the ability to remain
independent in the community. - The roles of behavioral, psychosocial, and
demographic risk factors in the development of disease and disability.
Neuroepidemiology of Aging Office -- Lenore Launer, Ph.D. The
Neuroepidemiology Office was established in 1999. First year efforts have
focused on formulating in-depth studies of selected mechanisms hypothesized to
play a role in neurodegeneration; developing the research proposal on brain
function in a study of genetic susceptibility and gene-environment interaction
in health conditions common in old age; and developing analyses and initiating
new projects using existing data and biologic specimens. Different markers of
neurodegeneration are being studied to better understand the consistency and
impact of various risk factors on brain disease.