The diastolic
blood pressure was significantly higher among overweight women(p< 0,001), as were
fasting insulin level (p<0,005), postload glucose level (p<0,05) and LDL cholesterol
(p<0,05). Among the overweight men the systolic and diastolic blood pressures were
significantly higher (p<0,05) in comparison with nonobese men, as were fasting insulin
level (p<0,05), total cholesterol (p<0,05), LDL cholesterol(p<0,05) and
triglyceridemia(p<0,05). 61,9% of men and 41,1% of women was a smokers at the moment
of survey. Prevalence of arterial hypertension was 11,2% among men and 22,4% among women.
11,8% of men and 13,0% of women had a signs of ischemic heart disease. 35,8%
among all investigated people had total cholesterol more than 200 md/dl. |