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The ideal CV should be tailored to the job advertised,short
enough for the main details to be easily
apparent and easy and attractive to read.
Psychometric tests of Intelligence and Personality may be
helpful in selecting a particular team member,
terms of the existing members and trying to get the best fit.
Written references may be taken up before or after
appointment,they are not often helpful save to
preclude previous criminal prosecutions. They are classically more
important in what "they do not say". An informal telephone call to a
previous employer, an off the record chat or the health service "grapevine" may all be helpful.
Interviews are widely used but of doubtful validity, they
arehallowed by custom and practice. They can
improved by standardising questions, agreeing key areas for each panel
member in advance and sometimes requiring the candidate to make a
A period of mutual probation - say 3 months may also be helpful in
revealing major incompatibilities
before confirming an appointment.