Plague dynamics in /mes of climate change and increasing pressure on ecosystems. A literature review with a focus on the Democra4c Republic of Congo, Madagascar, and One Health
Dr. Tatjana Dinkelaker
KIT (Royal Tropical Ins1tute)/ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
December 2023
Document types :
Health and Nutrition
: Plague, Yersinia pes1s, Democra1c Republic of Congo, DRC, Madagascar, climate change, land use change, ecosystem degrada1on, biodiversity, One Health.
Introduc1on: Plague is s1ll a highly fatal disease if lev untreated. The two countries with the highest global incidence, the Democra1c Republic of Congo and Madagascar, are characterized by weak health care systems and high climate vulnerability. This thesis explores the consequences of climate change on plague dynamics in both countries, considering the growing pressure on ecosystems and people, and the importance of adop1ng a holis1c approach towards human, animal, and ecosystem health. Methodology: A literature review was done of English language data published between January 2003 and November 2023. The focus was on studies from African countries, and North America as deemed relevant. Peer- reviewed ar1cles were included as well as grey literature. A One Health framework was applied to structure the findings, integra1ng the impact of climate and land use change on the zoonosis as well as on socioecological processes. Results: Both countries will be confronted with warming temperatures, less predictable rainfall pa+erns, and more extreme weather events like floods and droughts. The impact on plague dynamics in DRC and Madagascar is uncertain due to mul1ple limita1ons including weak surveillance systems, lack of research and complex interdependencies of the plague cycle components. The expected range shiv of plague together with shrinking natural habitats is associated with an increased risk for gene1c varia1on of Y. pes1s and unpredictable outbreak characteris1cs in terms of loca1on, 1me, and controllability. At the same 1me, there are indicators for an increasing risk of exposure as well as vulnerability towards plague infec1on among the popula1on, especially in eastern DRC and southern Madagascar. Recommenda1ons: The governments of DRC and Madagascar are encouraged to implement a na1onal OH strategic plan and strengthen their surveillance, decentralized laboratory, and health care capaci1es. Communi1es should be supported in prac1cing plague preven1on as well as sustainable land- use methods, and in achieving the SDG needed to combat EID. Interna1onal health authori1es are requested to recognize the risk poten1al associated with changing plague dynamics and engage in targeted interven1ons and research projects.
KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
@2023,Tatjana Dinkelaker
Document type: