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Citing Sources

Citing Books, Reference Materials, and Periodicals

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Manual of Style:
The Bibliotheca Alexandrian Manual of Style is one of the notable contributions of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) to the academic and research community. This manual provides comprehensive citation services to diverse groups of researchers and learners. By adhering to proper citation guidelines, the manual seeks to preserve copyright protections and foster a culture of intellectual integrity.

This manual offers concise guidance on citing a wide range of information resources. These include books, reference works, scientific journals, university theses, websites, multimedia materials, manuscripts, microfilms, microfiches, and other types of resources.

This publication is the first reference manual of its kind in an Arab library that provides researchers with a unified citation style in three languages: Arabic, English, and French. It facilitates the preparation of academic papers and research studies in accordance with consistent and standardized citation practices.
Also check BA Manual of Style (ArabicEnglish) flyers

Chicago Manual of Style: This guide is based on style recommendations from the 14th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and the 6th edition of Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996).

Citation Styles for Research Papers: Styles include APA: psychology, education, and other social sciences, MLA: literature, arts, and humanities, AMA: medicine, health, and biological sciences, Turabian: designed for college students to use with all subjects, Chicago: used with all subjects in the "real world" by books, magazines, newspapers, and other non-scholarly publications.

Guidelines for the Preparation of a Bibliography: Prepared by the Bibliography Committee, Collection Development and Evaluation Section, Reference and User Services Division, American Library Association, 1992. Revised by the RUSA Standards Committee and approved by the RUSA Board of Directors, June, 2001.

Ohio State University Libraries: This guide is based on The Chicago Manual of Style 14th ed. rev. (University of Chicago Press, 1993). Examples are shown for both the newer Scientific style of citation recommended for natural sciences and social sciences, as well as the more traditional Humanities style used for fine arts, literature, etc. Bibliography items are listed alphabetically at the end of the research paper. These items are referred to in the body of paper using the In-Text style.

Citing Articles from EBSCO host Databases
  1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style:

    Voelker, R. (2004). Stress, Sleep Loss, and Substance Abuse Create Potent Recipe for College Depression. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 291, 2177-2179. Retrieved April 24, 2005, from Academic Search Premier EBSCOhost database.

  2. Modern Language Association (MLA) Style:

    Phillips, Charles. "A DAY TO REMEMBER April 22, 1889." American History 39.1 (2004): 16-20. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Bibliotheca Alexandrina Lib., Alexandria . 24 Apr. 2005

  3. Chicago Style:

    Phillips, Charles. "A DAY TO REMEMBER April 22, 1889." American History 39 no.18 (2004): 16-18, (accessed April 24, 2005).

  4. Turabian Style:

    Phillips, Charles. "A DAY TO REMEMBER April 22, 1889," American History, Vol. 39, Issue 18, April 2004, 16-18. Available from Academic Search Premier [database online], EBSOhost; ( Alexandria: EBSCO Publishing, accessed 24 April 2005).

Citing Articles from InfoTrac OneFile
  1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style:

    Battersby, John (1999, May 10). Nelson Mandela's Moral Legacy. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved April 24, 2005, from InfoTrac Web InfoTrac OneFile CJ54593610.

  2. Modern Language Association (MLA) Style:

    "Pennsylvania State Agencies Finalize Plan to Monitor for West Nile Virus." PR Newswire 7 Apr. 2000. InfoTrac OneFile Gale Group Databases. Bibliotheca Alexandrina Lib., Alexandria . 24 Apr. 2005