Listed below are some of the founding fathers
or classic authors in sociology:
Auguste Comte, 1798-1857, was a French intellectual and the father
of sociology, who established the basis for the scientific study of society.
Emile Durkheim, 1818-1917, was a French sociologist who designed the
system of working procedures for sociology based on the roles that must be
fulfilled in society, so that it is maintained united and develops. Karl
Marx, 1818-1883, was a German philosopher and economist, who proposed a
society in which social values must be considered before the individual. He
tried to study a society divided into classes which were in constant
struggle. He is the founder of Historical Materialism, in which he
conceptualized a society with no classes and no exploitation.
Max Weber, 1864-1920, was a German sociologist and economist, who
set up “comprehension” as a way to explain social actions and “social
classes or types” as an abstraction of actors based on rationalism.
Talcot Parsons, 1902-1970, was an American sociologist, who provided
concepts such as structure, systems and functions, social role and status,
socialization, social system, and structure and function, all of which are
now very common; Parsons is considered as the most renowned sociologist
because of his organizing of the sociology thought. |