Marx is considered, next to Engel, as the
creator of scientific socialism (modern communism) and as one of the most
influential thinkers of contemporary history. By 1847, Marx and Engel were
asked to elaborate on the principles and roles to unify all those
associations and integrate them in the Liege of Justus (later called the
Communist Liege). The resulting program was to be known worldwide as the
Communist Manifest, written by Marx based on the work prepared by Engel, and
it represented the first systematization of the modern socialist doctrine.
This is how the history of society consists of the history of struggles and
revolts, exploiters and the exploited, that is, the clash between the
governing social classes and oppressed section of society. Marx concludes in
the Manifest that the capitalist class will be overthrown and suppressed by
a worldwide revolution, which will culminate in the establishment of a
society without classes. |