BACKGROUND: Cotton and tobacco are the main cash crops grown in Mozambique. Approximately 300,000 rural...
Organization :
There was a noticeable high outflux of health professionals from Sudan in the last 10...
Background: Nepal formulated a Mental Health policy in 1996. People who suffer from mental illness...
Background: Evidence from studies on the health seeking behaviour of males from different parts of...
Yemen is in an unstable situation since decades with different social characters which affect the...
SGBV is both a public health issue and a violation of human rights with adverse...
Background: The generalized epidemic occurred in Papua, Indonesia, with prevalence of 2.4% compared to 0.4%...
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a global public healthconcern, and Myanmar also has important long-term...
In Ethiopia, violence against women is a very common societal as well as a public...
PROBLEM STATEMENT: After the abolition of under-5 user fees at the Magbenteh Hospital (a mid-sized...
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